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Business and Strategy
This practice focuses on aligning data science initiatives with business and technology strategy. It involves identifying key areas where data can add value, setting clear objectives, and determining the types of data needed to achieve these objectives. It emphasizes business consulting and change management to help organizations achieve the necessary structure and capabilities to increase their DATA maturity. This includes the development of specific data strategies, support in the definition and alignment with the rest of the organization of data governance, and the design of the organization to be able to execute in a context where innovation with data is central.
Empowering Organizations with Data Strategies
Maturity Diagnostics
At ixpantia, we begin with maturity diagnostics to understand the starting point of each organization regarding its data strategy, talent, technological platforms, and project execution. This initial assessment is crucial to identify the gap between the current situation and the desired objectives, allowing us to chart a clear path towards increased maturity in data management and utilization. Our approach ensures that organizations fully understand their current capabilities and develop common frameworks of reference so that data teams can uniformly discuss data and its potential within their organizations.
DATA Strategy Design
Our approach at ixpantia to designing data strategies focuses on combining the business objectives of our clients with our extensive experience, creating customized solutions that turn data into a valuable strategic asset. This process not only accelerates progress towards a data-driven operation but also establishes common frameworks of reference, enabling data teams to communicate effectively and uniformly about the potential of data within their organizations. We design strategies that transform the use of data into a competitive advantage, aligning data initiatives with the global vision and strategy of the business.
Data Governance Frameworks
We implement robust data governance frameworks to ensure the accuracy, accessibility, and security of information in our clients' organizations. This aspect is fundamental to support informed decision-making and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. At ixpantia, we understand that effective data governance is essential for sustained success in an increasingly data-driven business environment. Our governance frameworks are designed to prepare organizations to face current and future challenges, ensuring that data is a well-managed and fully leveraged resource.
Management Coaching for Leaders
We offer specialized management coaching to organization leaders, promoting the development of a shared vision around the data strategy. This approach helps ensure that senior management understands and commits to the strategic value of data, fostering a culture that prioritizes data-based decision-making and innovation. Through our coaching, we empower leaders to guide their teams towards digital transformation and the optimal use of data, creating an environment where the data strategy is effectively integrated into all business operations and decisions.
«ixpantia helped us refine our data-based innovation strategy and supported us in the execution of our data projects. The process resulted in the creation of a specialized data science unit that currently delivers data products to the organization.»


Chief Data Officer at Financial entity
Case studies and examples

About us

ixpantia was founded in 2016 with the goal of sharing knowledge and best practices in data-driven innovation. We combine science, engineering, and business strategy to transform data into impactful solutions that drive growth and innovation. Our multidisciplinary team works closely with our clients to design and implement data strategies and products, promoting a culture of innovation based on data that improves decision-making and operations.

Committed to excellence and innovation, we strive to be at the forefront of advanced analytics, empowering organizations to leverage the potential of their data and ensure long-term success. At ixpantia, we believe in the transformative power of data to create a future where every decision is informed by precise and deep analysis, ensuring that our clients lead in their respective sectors.

Let's talk!
If you have ideas, visions, or projects that you wish to bring to reality, start the conversation with us today to explore and discover the possibilities together.